ContiTech Schwingmetall® from EFFBE

Top quality rubber-to-metal bonded products for machine building, automotive and civil and military aviation applications.


The perfect combination of rubber, plastics and metal

With the ContiTech-Schwingmetall® series, EFFBE provides a product range offering top quality rubber-to-metal bonded products for machine building applications and the automotive industry. The ContiTech-SCHWINGMETALL® product range has stood for top quality rubber-to-metal bonded products for more than 50 years. That's why these components in a combination of plastics, rubber and metal are also the first choice for EFFBE customers. We offer buffers, stops, dome mounts, flange elements, hydro mounts, special elements, torsion elements, rails and inclined supports.

Schwingmetall® Catalog

Download the Schwingmetall® catalog to learn more about our product diversity in this area.


ContiTech SCHWINGMETALL® is used in machine and equipment building as well as in the automotive, rail, and civil and military aviation industries.

It absorbs shocks and structure-borne noise, isolates mechanical vibrations as an insulating element, reduces accelerations and protects against noise. The EFFBE product range offers economically convincing, needs-based solutions for vibration protection, shock protection and structure-borne noise damping for a wide variety of industrial requirements.


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